Saturday, February 19, 2011

AG's Re-Creations

Hey! Today, I will be posting about AG's 'Re-Creations' or basically changing the fabric, giving it a new name, and slapping a higher price on an outfit. 
Like the Innerstar U and Petal Hoodie outfit. They are both cute, but both look a lot alike!
Also the Equestrian Riding and Fancy Riding Outfit. The helmets look the same as do the breeches......
Now for the Beach Chair and Bag Set and the Chair and Bocce set. I both love the colors on both sets! But as you can see the chairs are identical (with the exception of color and fabric) and they also include a water bottle.
Next, is Marisol's Tap Outfit and the current Tap Dance Outfit. Wow, these look sooo much alike! They really just changed a lot of the colors to bring you these looks.

What do you think? Do you know of any more look alikes?

ps. also i'm sorry about my typo in this week's poll! i would change it, however that would cause to me to lose everyone's vote.

pss. i probably will change my design soon, so be prepared!


Katrina said...

I never really thought about that. But you are right.

Emma Kate said...

The tap dance outfits look so alike!

Caelen said...

You are right, Gabby.

Emma said...

Your so right! Also, don't you think Kanani's PJ's are identical to Jess's PJ's?

~*Emma and her dolls*~

Slim said...

I was thinking the same thing!

Katrina said...

Nice new look!

Mia said...

I like the Petal Hoodie and Marisol's Tap outfits better than the current ones. But as for the chair and riding outfit I like the current one better. But ALL of them are cute. :)

P.S. There are some more, like the 2-in-1 ballet set and I THINK (personal opinion here) the old bikini (cannot remember name, is purple and has anchor) and the current one look kinda similar.

Emily said...

Mia's pajamas are a recreation or Jess's pajamas and Kanani's pajamas are a recreation of Mia's pajamas. So ulitimately, Jesss are the originals.

Caelen said...

Cool, again! I paint too now. =)