Off to Camp I Go!
Hi everyone! I just want to see that this week I will be gone at sleep away camp, and unfortunately, I don't have access to internet. Anyways, I will one or two time posts this week, but nothing more than that. I will be allowing comments to go un-moderated so girls can keep conversations going or comment on posts.
Have fun!! :)
Have fun! Last week I went to a feild hockey camp
have tons of fun!!
and everyone please visit my website at
about american girl dolls, hairdos on dolls and people, gymnastics, cheer, photography and more!!
Wow you are going to a camp?? Wow I really hope you have fun I love the picture btw!!
You are so lucky. I want to go to sleep away camp so bad. I've been hoked on movies where people go to camp. Especiely the parent trap. Have tons of fun! Where is the camp?
Chole The Parent Trap is my fav movie!!!!! Gabby I've been on your design blog and you haven't updated since Feburary. Why are you not posting
Hi, girls! How have you been? :) Have fun, Gabby! :)
I just came back from my sailing camp. It was awesome. Hope you have TONS OF FUN!!!
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