Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Show and Tell Wednesday Week 10

Wow! Week 10!
For this S&TW I wanted to show you a picture of my dolls' room.
I re-arranged just a bit. I put Kaylen's bed on the top bunk and I moved the dogs to the bottom bunk. I didn't do much, but I like it better!

Also a lot of people have been commenting on Pepper, I say she is a great dog. She is built like the other AG pets, stiff but soft and has really pretty, bright blue eyes. She looks like a real husky and I would definitely recommend her to anybody.
This chain of Show and Tell Wednesday was started by Liz.


Gabrielle said...

Thanks for the coconut-comparison pic!!

Hal said...

That is so cute! My little sister has the same Madame Alexander doll that you have!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that they have there own American girl room...I want to do that:-).
~Thanks for sharing!

Gabby said...

I call it my "American Girl Room", but it is really just a corner of my bedroom. Sometimes small spaces can be a great place for your AG Dolls!