Paige's Project
Hello! I know many of you have accounts on InnerstarU- and love it! I personally don't use mine very often, but when I do go on it, I always have a good time.
Anyways, InnerstarU has guides- virtual versions of MAGs, that helps girls by answering questions, awarding medals, and of course, giving projects. I love doing the projects but it bothers me when I can't complete one- like Paige's Project. Paige is the virtual guide at the Blue Sky Nature Center and gives girls this simple task 'collect plastic bags throughout the campus'. Of course, this may sound easy- but I can't get out of this project and I know many you can't get out of it either? Do you have solution- do you know where all of the bags are? The first girl who gives me the correct solution will win any dress they like on InnerstarU for their girl!
I would really appreciate your help!
I have the same problem too!!!! If anyone knows I'll give them a special gift if they give me their name to friend
Finally, someone else who can't seem to find the bags! ;) This is probably no help at all; sorry! It took me forver to find Amber's {another guide} Red Rubin quest. :)
I actually never noticed you could do that before, I'll look around and see if I can find them! :)
One is at Bright Star House, 2 are at the market place, and the last one is at 5 points plaza. I am Alison162.
I spent days trying to find those bags. I did finally find them but it was a while ago and I don't remember where they all are. Sorry! :(
I invited you to be my friend. Accept it then I will send you your special gift!!!!
I just finished the task! You only have to find one trash bag which is at the boathouse, to the right. Then you have to go to the five star plaza and when you first get there go behind the picnic tables to the lower right. There is the waste basket. Then just go back to Paige. On the game, I am Charlotte484.
Hope I helped,
Hey Alison162 could you be more specific because I still can't find them! :(
I just got off innerstaru and I completed this easily. There are two trash bags. One is at the Star Fire Boathouse on the right on the dock.
The other is at Five Points Plaza. THis ones a bit harder to do. Go to the Shopping Square. If you walk around a bit, you'l see a white bridge. You have the option to go to the Sports Center, the yoga place, or Five Points Plaza. You are going to go to the Five Points plaza. Click on it. Then you will see three trees; go in the middle one and you'll see the trash bag. Then you put them in the trash can and return to Paige. Hope I helped!!!
hi i found out you only have to find 2 bags and i know where they are one is at the market and the last one is at brightstar house for the market you should look every where at brightstar house keep going right or left and sooner or later you will see a beach go to it and there is the last trash bag
I still can't find the 2nd trash bag at the market, please someone do like a video or a screen shot or a description. I found the one were you walk to the right of the market sign but not the other one.
please help!
ps: my tour de campus mission is weird! I go to the places and it does nothing! If any one can help me on that to....
Thank you so much!!! :D
Yay! I just finished! If you keep going right of Emmy at the boathouse, you will see a green garbage bag! The one at the 5 points plaza did not work for me. Empty your garbage at the five points plaza trash cans. There are a lot there! Hope this helps you! I am Phoebe440 on innerstaru! Please friend me!
hi im emily3304 i found the bag in the direction of where Emmy is looking not the right of her it took 4 years to find them so good luck and lots of wishes,
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