Sunday, May 1, 2011

Paige's Project Help

Hey everyone! A while back I asked for help on Paige's Project on this post. I finally found the bags!

There are two at the Market Place. It's hard to be specific about where they are, but you may have to look a while and check out the whole area!
There is one at Five Points Plaza. Once you find all of the bags, you can throw them away at any trash can at this location.
There is another along the beach at Brightstar House. 

Am I missing any? I don't think so, because those are the only 4 I found. Here are a couple of tips incase you need extra help:

  • The bags/trash will always be on a stone path or a beach- never on a green area.
  • The trash in the Market Place is located towards the back, so be sure to look hard.

I want to give a special thanks to both Alison126 and Charlotte484 who helped me find each trash bag. Thanks to both girls! We can arrange a time to meet online so I can send you your choice of dress.



Alexa said...

I know I promised you a surprise but you won't accept my friend when I check. If you accepted me then please tell me as soon as possible

Alison162 said...

Alexa,what is your username on innerstarU?It's Alison162 again.

Anonymous said...

i found 4 bags. one at the market. one at the water near brightstar. one behind the snack cart at five points plaza and one at at the boathouse