- First off, there is a rumor going around that McKenna is Chrissa's older sister. This is NOT true. As, it can't be possible because a) Chrissa never had an older sister and b) if McKenna was older, how could she be in 4th grade in 2012 when Chrissa was in 4th grade in 2009?
- Second, she will even have a vault! I found this video online and it was very helpful in learning more about McKenna and some special events that will be taking place on Jan. 1 and 2 in American Girl stores.
- Third, her movie will NOT be a theatrical release. According to many sources, McKenna's movie will be released on DVD sometime in Spring or Summer.
- Fourth, she's identical to Chrissa- just with a wig change. I really wish they would've given her brown eyes- we haven't had a brown-eyed doll since 2006. Here's a photo for comparison (from left to right: Marie-Grace, MAG #39, McKenna, and Chrissa):

I hope this cleared up any confusion and I hope you are anticipating the release of McKenna as much as I am!
Thanks gabby and I agree I wish McKenna eyes Were brown
I totally agree with you on all counts. I've never heard about she being Chrissa's older sister, though. :) I do think AG could have been a bit more creative with her face design.
Thanks Gabby!
I am very excited for McKenna's arrival! :D There is also one very small difference between Chrissa and McKenna, that being McKenna's eyebrows are a slightly lighter color.
Plus McKenna has a different last name than Chrissa. :-)
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