Seeing how much ya'll enjoyed the last AG Facts, I decided to do more!
Out of all of the GOTYs(10) and HCs& Best Friends (15) only 4 have had red hair, 6 have had blond hair, 6 had have black hair, and 8 have had brown hair.
Chrissa is the only doll not to have a Whole World Collection
Nicki is the only doll not to come with a set of underwear.
Addy, Josefina, and Elizabeth are the only HCs to have their ears pierced. However, only Elizabeth's earrings are removable.
Addy had her own live-action play performed around the country.
Julie, Kit, and Mia are the only dolls who have had or have video games.
Kaya and Josefina's stories are set in America, but in areas that were not yet part of the United States.
No American Girl Character except Felicity and Elizabeth have ever been sold with their hair up in a ponytail.
No American Girl Character except Josefina and Kaya(who didn't have access to school) was ever home schooled.
PS Most of these facts were though up and created by me, others I found here