Friday, June 11, 2010

AGPR Assignment 2

Hey! You might be wondering why I'm posting this if I am supposed to be at camp all week, well I am at camp but this is a scheduled post so it's been posted but yet I'm not here. I love technology.

Anyways, The 3rd assignment for the AGPR was Celebrity Inspiration- hard, yet fun! I wanted to be different so I found this cute pic of Emma Watson in an oh-so-cute dress:

And then I re-created it to be this:

I had a little trouble making it so my mom had to step in and save me. Like when I messed up on one of the sleeves so I decided to re-do it and cut out another one. And well, I must have been half-asleep (even though it was the afternoon) because I accidentally cut out the sleeve out of the front body of the shirt (it was lying around on the floor by the other fabric so I must have mistaken it for the huge piece of fabric which I should have been cutting it out of.)

I am dork.


LIke the time I just told you about.

And when I told my mom what happened, she just laughed.

I laughed too.

It was something to laugh about.

But, you know, everything turned out all right in the end. :-)


Cara May said...

Nice post. I love your new backgound

Sierra said...

I never have enough time to sew outfits for AG! I wish I could though!