Hey! I am really sorry I haven't posting but I'm preparing a new blog look. And yes, I know I change my blog look a lot but to me, it's about keeping myself in the loop of things. If something gets to boring, I will more likely to not participate actively in it, so be expecting lots of new changes. I want my blog to be a place where anyone can come and love American Girl and I don't feel like that's happening- I also want to make my blog more about me and my American Girl dolls than just AG in general so I'm hoping that with my new blog layout and design, this can happen.
Thanks for understanding,
Thanks to I Love American Girl for informing me of these pictures and
this video!
Personally, I don't think Kanani looks all that Hawaiian- I imagined her to look different but my
guess was pretty close.
I think Kanani looks Hawaiian, but that's just me. I've seen several hula girls in person, but those were only a few. Either way, I can't wait for her!
Thanks for the info! I like it when you change your blog. Theres always new (good!) surprises around the corner.
You haven't posted on the name princess for almost 4 weeks. 4 weeks on Tuesday! Are you not doing the name princess or did yuo forget about it or what?
I love what you have done so far! It is so cute!
Its pretty cool American Girl is revisiting the tropical setting in just under 4 years And its way cool that shes going to be from Hawaii I think she looks like Sonali but thats just me.
I would have thought she'd have darker skin and hair. She's still very pretty, but not what I expected. She doesn't look particularly Hawaiian to me either.
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